When affirmations are not enough

Identity based habits work and lead to long term change.  Goal setting alone does not.  

  • Your current behavior is just a reflection of your current self-image/identity.
  • Your identity is based on your past experiences with your caretakers, culture, and environment when you were still a dependent child and didn’t have lots of choice.
  • you can build in new choices at any time for the rest of your life. 

How you behave and what you choose is a direct reflection of your identity
(not necessarily consciously).

  • You can change your identity and make new choices at any time.
  • If you want to modify your behavior  and outcomes – you need to believe different things about yourself. 
  • You build beliefs from ACTUAL experiences you have.  
  • Experiences are first felt and sensed by the nervous system long before they are ‘known’ by the conscious mind.
  • you have to have an experience first, even if small or subtle,  in order to be able to build on it and grow it into a new habit, self-image or identity. 
  • Experiencing a variety of sensations through movement lessons is a direct way to build your capacity.

    The more you feel and sense = the  more experiences you have to draw upon and grow:
  •   in your self-image & in how you think and feel about yourself
  • in  how you think about who you are and what you are capable of being and doing. 

The pace in my life is picking up speed. Happy to say that this week I began working as an assistant teacher with one of my mentors David Zemach Bersin in a workshop called “Liberate Your Mood: a series of mood Lifting Feldenkrais Lessons.” 

Very few Feldenkrais teachers choose to focus on emotions like I do – so when someone else does, I am thrilled;-) πŸŒˆπŸ¦„

Here’s what David said in the intro β€œI’m eager to focus on the psychological relief that so many people experience doing Feldenkrais lessons. There’s a lot more than reducing stress going on here! We can do lessons to facilitate the development of comfort, choice, authenticity, confidence, agency, resilience, hope, and optimism. We can do lessons to free ourselves from long-time self-limiting patterns and bring our nervous system back to a relaxed, parasympathetic state. I believe this is one of the most profound benefits of the Feldenkrais Method.” 

Best to you!
