“I’m blown away by my experiences in your classes!

The thing that I remember hearing about Feldenkrais and your classes was that the movements are very subtle and small.  At the time, I did not associate subtle, small movements with profound effects, so I did not take the time to check out your classes for the first few years you offered them. I was also deep in work and family mode, and often didn’t leave work till 6pm when I was expected to be home for a family dinner.  So, making a 5:30 class on a weekday seemed like too much of a stretch.

Then one day, I decided to join a class….even after the first class I started to notice that I hold a lot of tension in my body, even when doing the most menial tasks. I remember brushing my teeth after my first class with you and being shocked at how much tension I held in my head, neck, shoulders, and arm.  I was able to clearly feel all the extra work my muscles were doing and relax into all the places that didn’t need to be contracting in order to get the job done. I’ve since noticed this in other simple, daily actions like driving, writing, and typing.

Class is great, but what I really like best is how I feel after class. For the rest of the day.  Whether I’m driving home, putting away dishes, or putting on music to dance, my body moves with fluid, balanced, and graceful rhythms.

This is the physical reality I want to always live in.

My life has become a lot easier since I started attending your classes.  Much of this I attribute to life changes such as an empty nest, moving to a house with modern conveniences, and hiring employees who have taken over some of my work responsibilities.  The lessons that I’ve learned in your classes have inspired and encouraged me to find the easiest ways to navigate through these big life changes with grace and ease.

I used to have a hard time “turning off” and relaxing, and I would keep pushing on until I crashed. Now I am developing the ability to listen to my body and attend to my needs, and this is helping me create a more fulfilling life.

I’m finally feeling like I can find a balance of a successful career, while also nourishing my own physical and emotional needs AND being available for my family.  I’m beginning to feel like my cup is full, and I have extra energy to be engaged in my community and give back to others. And I’m really enjoying that!

I would definitely recommend Astra’s  classes to anyone who is interested in learning to listen to their body. She’ll  help you to discover where you hold unnecessary tension so that you can ultimately release it.  Learning to do this within our physical bodies is one huge benefit, BUT then we can take this lesson of doing less while being more efficient and joyful  into our daily lives. And who doesn’t want that?

Your classes are helping me understand a Taoist teaching that I’ve always been intrigued by, but never quite comprehended until now: do less and less until nothing remains undone.  Bringing this reality into the busy, overwhelming, and labor-intensive life I’d created for myself has been incredibly transformative.  I’m now able to listen to my body and nurture my needs, which has given me the energy to engage more deeply in my community.”

- Whitney Brasington, CFO/Owner of Mountain Electronic, Inc.

“When I got home from the workshop, the daffodils had popped out all around my place. The workshop definitely shifted my whole being into a brighter day! I must say that now that I have had time for the experience to sink in -  I realize you helped me create the learning in my very Being. I feel like I had a fantastic massage with very lasting powers!

So many thanks to you for reawakening a sense in myself I have not felt in a very long, long, long time. I do sincerely hope you receive as much from teaching us as we do from you and your lovely self-guiding that you do for us  - taking us to new levels of self-awareness! The brain is such an amazing, and magical tool that we barely put to really good use, ya know????? Oh I have so much more to learn......Big gigantic bunches of brainiac thanks!”

- Bridget Fox

Ceramic artist, Owner, Mudventions

“Astra’s teaching has been life changing for me.”

“I would say to someone who is just beginning to explore Feldenkrais  lessons to be patient, commit, and you will see results.

I am continuously amazed at how much I learn about my body and think in ways I never thought before.  Astra’s teaching has been life changing for me.”

- Anna Stoysich 

Montessori Teacher

“Feldenkrais starts your whole life moving in new directions, with new choices on every level of your life. You must experience it. Feldenkrais has had a tremendous impact on my life. It has taught me to really listen to myself. I now know I need not stay stuck in pain. It has helped me see that I have choices, that my patterns of movement, my patterns of emotional ‘sludge’ can change.”-Janie Cutliff


 "I have had a back issue that had a certain progression for me.  Astra’s personal work with me was something that gave me hope, and more ease.  Then her classes helped me feel that I had more choice in my movements, with less fear.  This continues to be true for me.  I went from feeling like I was in a downward slope into less ability as I aged, to feeling like I had choice and hope.  The old fear has eased considerably.  Now I am left with sensation and awareness.  This to me is tremendous.” – J.M. Teacher

"Many years ago, I had a fall which tore the meniscus in my left knee.  The initial pain was reduced after a few months but I was left with limitation and continuing pain. While I could bend my knee, it would hurt for hours afterwards, sometimes ached for days.  I was limited hiking on hills and sometimes even walking was too strenuous. After about 5 years, I worked with a Feldenkrais practitioner in individual weekly Functional Integration sessions for about 2 months. And here is the a miracle part-even though the injury occurred five years before Feldenkrais sessions- my level of pain decreased significantly and  I once again experienced pain free range of motion. Nearly complete restoration of my knee. Simply amazing.” -Theresa Anderson, Life Coach and Psychotherapist

"I am both Astra’s student and colleague and can attest to her compassionate and professional skills from both perspectives. Both in a private session and in a workshop, I learned valuable new ways of being in my body that have helped my chronic pain.   Astra and I have also co-treated clients – with me providing acupuncture and massage. The combination of modalities greatly enhanced the efficacy of our individual work, as acknowledged by these clients who benefited from the relief of their severe pain.  I hope to continue our complementary therapeutic approach with many more clients in the future!”  – Jade Pierce, Clinical Licensed Acupuncturist

"My doctor recommended Astra. We had a great talk. She asked interesting questions. I felt she was listening deeply to me. But, she wasn't going to give me simple answers...

or some standard exercises like physical therapists had done. Darn! It seems I would have to pay attention and take cues from my own body--with Astra's guidance. Ok, fine.

But our first appointment was derailed by the coronavirus; we wouldn't be able to meet in person. Astra offered to meet by videoconference. I was dubious. How can you do bodywork without your body being present?  Well, it seems you can!

Astra had done remote sessions many times, both as a student and as a Feldenkrais teacher, so she was comfortable with the technology.

I've been amazed at how well she can see and sense what's going on in my body, and to guide me through movements and awarenesses. It feels like we're in the same room....

I'm gaining awareness of my body and patterns of movement and breath. I'm learning that, just because I've "always" done it that way, doesn't mean it's the most efficient, easeful, or comfortable way. So I'm learning to notice, and to choose.

I think I'll go for ease and grace this time!

Olga Ronay - City planner, co-founder of High Cove community

“The system developed by Dr. Feldenkrais has as much potential for understanding the mind/body relationship as Einstein’s general theory of relativity had for physics.”- Bernard Lake, M.D.

"Old habitual postures and body ‘ignorance’ will retard the best progress and change that psychotherapy can accomplish. I specifically recommend The Feldenkrais Method to support and accelerate the work I do."
-Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Psychotherapist, Co-Developer of Neuro Linguistic Programming

“The Feldenkrais Method is changing the image in the motor cortex; and our brain, feeling the freedom of the new learning, rushes to meet it.”
-Arno Gruen, M.D., Psychiatrist

“Feldenkrais is not just pushing muscles around, but changing things in the brain itself.”
-Karl Pribram, M.D., Neuroscientist, Georgetown University
