Many of us have been taught through our culture or formal education that our brains think things and our bodies carry out what the brain tells it to do. Looked at this way, it is as if the whole purpose of the body is to carry around the precious brain. What is our body’s role in knowing things? How can we balance our body, mind and heart? I was taught two ways of knowing – one by my Mother, Grandmother – the other way was handed down to me through my formal education and my Father. My Grandmother and Mother taught me to go with my gut, to follow my heart, to observe how I felt. They also taught me to notice the cycles of natural world. They taught me that there were seasons for things that we cannot fight or force, but that we can try to notice and align with. My Mom showed me how to listen deeply and to act on what I heard even if it did not make ‘sense’. She taught me to respect how I feel. My Dad taught me the language of my culture – how to use words, convey ideas, and how to think and dissect information, use logic and question. We spent Sunday afternoons through my middle and high school years reading philosophy, talking, debating and questioning. I am so grateful for learning this way of thinking and knowing. It’s a powerful way to sort information, make sense of it and organize it. During my formal school education it was made clear that things were valid, valuable and true if they were measurable and provable. Yet I was sure I knew other things. I struggled to validate what I knew. Fortunately, I had learned to question the logic and the assumptions presented in my formal education. It was easy to see that while the agreement in academia was that things had to be quantifiable or logically provable, they failed to look at the big picture! No one addressed that the tools, formulas and math to measure all that exists might need to be developed too. As a matter of fact – it might not exist yet! Look what happened to Galileo. I am so happy to be living in this current time. We are so lucky to be living in a time where technology and tools can measure the things our ancestors, our grandmothers, and our grandfathers already knew. Why does every culture on the planet have a word for ‘gut wrenched?” or the countless words to describe the knowing of the heart? Our ancestors knew something. They felt it. They sensed it. And now we have science and the tools to prove it. There is plenty of evidence now about neurons, neurotransmitters and neuroreceptors in our organs – they are not just receptive to signals from the brain. They send their own signals. They have their own knowing. I will never forget trying to explain to my husband how I felt like my children were inside my brain. How there was no way for me NOT to be tuned in to them. I knew it. And then years later – one day I read a study that explained that part of their genes – not my genes – my children’s genes! – migrated from the placenta to my body and LIVE there. They are literally in my bodymind! I knew it! Your whole body is talking to you. You can learn how to listen. Listen for yourself. That is the most necessary step is to build trust with yourself and to get to know yourself. Your body and sensations will lead the way. Feel what you are feeling. You can handle it.💪🏽 Today on Solstice there will be an amazing eclipse in the night sky. Today also marks a day stillness before the light starts to grow in the Northern Hemisphere and the night grows in the Southern Hemisphere. Wherever you are – consider taking a look outside. Enjoy that feeling. All my best to you, Astra Many people turn to mindfulness and/or Netflix to find internal peace. ✌️ Both approaches leave out the innate capacity of the body to help support this quest. That is like trying to sing and not opening your mouth 😊 It just doesn’t work nearly as well as it could! Learn how to bring your body and movement into your quest for peace and transformation. There are 3 spaces left for Sunday’s workshop. Reserve your space astracoyle@gmail.com Sunday, December 20th 12 – 3pm ET Find true health, as you discover the resources you have and learn how to use them 💜 |